Content Removal
If you find content on our site that violates copyrights,
trademarks, privacy, is considered harassment, unlawful or offensive,
please continue.
LiveJasmin models, if you wish to have content removed please contact us at contentremoval (AT) with the subject “Content Removal Request” and include the video and/or URL(s). does not host, stream or broadcast videos directly. All video content found on this site is "embedded" and as such has no ownership or control over it. We do recommend contacting the site that hosts the content first: By doing so you ensure that if they remove the video then all sites embedding the content will no longer display it.
However, if your efforts to contact the hosting site are unsuccessful, you cannot for any reason have the content removed and/or you wish to ensure the embedded content is removed from, please follow the directions below. We can assure you that once inappropriate content is reported and confirmed we do our best to quickly remove the content.
ABUSE: If you come across material that is
harmful or offensive, please report the content (see below for contact
information). Please ensure that you include the full URL to the video
or page and any please provide any relevant information that will help
us in reviewing and processing your request.
COPYRIGHT: If you are a copyright owner who believes
your content is being displayed without your authorization,
please report the content by providing the full URL to the video or
page along with any relevant information that will help us in reviewing
and processing your request.
For all content removal requests please send an email to: contentremoval (AT) with the subject “Content Removal Request”.